How we work

We provide

Contingency Recruitment and Retained Search

We will work for you

Expert Recruitment -
We do it all!

At Edward Jacobs, we offer a high level of expertise that far exceeds your normal human resources department. The process of hiring recruiters, employment specialists and staff within your company can be, on its own, a lengthy process.

Tailored to Your Organisation's Needs

We possess a high level of industry expertise related to job knowledge, employment trends, and recruitment practices by virtue of continuous placement of employees within a multitude of different types of organisations.

Experience Our Unique Systematic Approach

At Edward Jacobs we have a unique business model, we separate ourselves from the other recruitment firms because we provide a systematic approach to the way we fulfil our clients’ needs. 

Solutions with Quick, Effective Turnarounds!

We focus our efforts on creating a win-win solution in an efficient and effective turnaround time.

Empowering Your Success

We take steps with each one of our clients, we are proactive, and we learn to understand your business. Our commitment is defined to provide your company with a high level of success.


We understand that establishing a skills and competency match without creating a cultural fit results in low retention rates.

In regards to recruiting candidates with matching values and cultural fit, we apply our unique recruitment strategy. 

Being a candidate-driven as well as a client-driven Recruitment Firm; the first strategy always supports the latter. 

To be able to execute our recruitment strategy, we place a significant importance in understanding the needs and expectations of our candidates and clients.

You can check our reviews to see that we have a great success rate for all candidates we place.


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